
Your device is stolen; What do you do? Protecting your digital devices Part 2


Your mobile device has been stolen. What can you do to track it down, get it back, and prevent the thief from accessing your valuable information? Turns out 90% of what you need to do to retrieve your device needs to be done long before it ever gets lost. Prevention is a thousand times better than cure.


This is Part 2 of the Protecting your digital devices series. View Part 1 [here].

Your mobile device has been stolen. What can you do to track it down, get it back, and prevent the thief from accessing your valuable information? Turns out 90% of what you need to do to retrieve your device needs to be done long before it ever gets lost. Prevention is a thousand times better than cure.

This is Part 2 of the Protecting your devices series. In Part 1 we discussed how you can physically protect your device from theft. However if your device does get lost or stolen there are precautions you can take to make retrieving your device or securing your data easier.

Track your device

Keep an inventory - Record the serial number

It goes without saying that you should record the serial number, brand, model, value, and date of purchase of any product you own. This is vital if your property is ever lost, stolen, or damaged. When stolen property is retrieved one guaranteed way to prove that it is your property is to match the serial number of the product. Being unable to prove that the item belongs to you could mean that it won’t be returned to you. If law enforcement is involved the case and/or charges could be dismissed.

Having an Asset register of all your property is also extremely valuable when you need to insure your property against loss or damage. A sample Asset Register can be downloaded [here].

Finding the serial number of your device varies depending on the type of product. Most devices may have the serial number at the back of or underneath the device. Some manufacturers may refer to the serial number as the Service Tag or another name.

For cell phones the serial number is called the IMEI number, and can usually be found in the phone Settings /About Phone screen. Dual SIM phones have two IMEI numbers. If you are unable to find the serial number of your device you should consult your owners manual or the manufacturer’s support to find out how to obtain it.

Anti-Theft Tracking Software

Keeping a record of your serial number will help if your device is retrieved, but won’t help you locate the device. Tracking software can help you locate your device if it is lost or stolen. While the Google Android and Apple iOS operating systems do have some built-in tracking functionality they can be rather limited. 

There are several anti-theft applications available that offer improved tracking functionality.  Some of the features may include the following:

  • Pinpoint the GPS location of the device within a few feet/meters.
  • Record the tracking history (date, time and location at regular intervals) to know where the device has been.
  • Remotely lock the device if lost. 
  • Remotely trigger an alarm if device is stolen.
  • Remotely take a picture of whoever is attempting to access the device and have it sent to you.
  • Remotely erase all of your data on the device to prevent the thief from accessing your data.

The features available, and their effectiveness will vary depending on the application as well as various conditions. These applications range from free,  very affordable, and pricey.

Tracking software is also valuable in keeping track of children and their whereabouts.

Common Anti-theft applications

A few well known anti-theft applications include the following:
A more comprehensive list, along with detailed feature list will be provided in a future issue.

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